Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Establishment of Web-enabled Food Security Information Management System in BIMP-EAGA: A Bilateral Proposal of the Philippines with Indonesia

Elmer R. Esplana[1]
Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI), Department of Agriculture (DA)
Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

This study focuses on the development of a project on the establishment of a web-enabled Food Security Information Management System (FSIMS) in Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA).  The project proposal was presented at the 9th BIMP-EAGA Natural Resource Development (NRD) Cluster Meeting in April 2011 in Brunei Darussalam with the intention of developing a web-enabled FSIMS for the four-member countries of BIMP-EAGA.  It was approved in the Working Group and Cluster meeting by the four member countries.  But later, during the same year the Agro-industry and Fisheries Cooperation Working Group core members suggested a piloting the project between the Philippines and the Indonesia. A bilateral proposal was submitted to Indonesia for their comments at the 10th BIMP-EAGA NRD Cluster Meeting last May 2012 in Balikpapan City, Indonesia and as part of the update of the initially presented concept paper in Brunei. The proposal was accepted in principle by Indonesian representatives in the meeting but with further comments to be submitted from the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, as their official counter proposal/comments for the bilateral proposal. In February 2012, the Phase 1 bilateral proposal of the project was submitted to the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund with the support of Mindanao Development Authority Philippine -EAGA Secretariat.  In August 2012, a notice of interest for funding the said proposal was submitted to the Department of Agriculture by the Permanent Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN through the proponent with some improvement to be prepared for re-submission. In this study, the researcher discusses developments of this BIMP-EAGA system and the challenges of initially implementing the project for both the Philippines and Indonesia, as part of the contribution of this sub-regional initiative to the ASEAN.  Based on the analysis, some related indicators on food security on the regional level should be strengthened, particularly on tracking the beginning stock based on establishments, sources of food security information and related indicators, as part of the indicators to be monitored, as integral part of the food security information management system.  The paper provides recommendations on how to fast-track the pilot implementation of the project in the Philippines and Indonesia, given the initial discussion and communications with each other on the proposed bilateral project on food security information management system. 

KEYWORDS: Food Security, Information Management System, web-enabled, bilateral, BIMP-EAGA, ASEAN, Philippines, Indonesia, NRD Cluster, Phase 1

[1] Agriculturist II, Marketing Development Division of BAI, Project Coordinator of Japan 2KR Livestock “Oksyon” Market (LOM) Rehabilitation and Modernization Project in the Philippines and Secretariat Coordinator, National Price and Volume Watch, Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture.  Presented at the Philippine Statistical Association Annual Conference, Apo View Hotel, Davao City, Philippines, August 17, 2012.    

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Commentary, Challenges and Encouragement for extending $1B loan to IMF by the Philippines

Commentary, Challenges and Encouragement for Extending 

$ 1B loan to IMF by the Philippines 

By Elmer R. Esplana,  Socio-economist, Interdisciplinary Researcher  and Social Entrepreneur,  June 23, 2012

For any comments on the article, please email me at digitalpinoy2038@gmail.com or text me at +63922-8117367

Let me share this good news to you.

Philippines to extend $1B to IMF

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
THE Philippines will extend $1-billion loan to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to support the global efforts to stabilize the world economy and maintain it on a growth path, the central bank said on Wednesday.
"We are a member of the global community of nations and it is also in our interest to ensure economic and financial stability across the globe," said Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Governor Amando Tetangco Jr.
The Philippines is a member of the IMF, which uses the contributions from its members to provide loans to countries going through financial difficulties to minimize its adverse impact on their people.
For nearly 40 years until 2006, the Philippines itself was a net borrower from the IMF.

The Philippines fully paid its loans to IMF in December 2006 as the implementation of continuing reforms have made the local economy stronger, Tetangco said.
He said the country's economic fundamentals are now sound, the local banks are able to meet domestic credit needs, and the central bank is capable of lending $1 billion from its international reserves to the IMF.
"This is a loan to the IMF and we will get our money back with interest. In effect, by extending a loan to the IMF that will earn money for the Philippines we are also able to help other nations saddled with financial problems. Other nations have also committed to help IMF address the current financial crisis," Tetangco said. (SDR/Sunnex)

This good news is something to be noted by each one, specially by our fellow Filipino citizens. At least the Philippines has been learning to take the social responsibility aspect of helping also other countries, in the process of extending this loan to International Monetary Fund (IMF). Hopefully,we can also have the equivalent institution that provides Official Development Assistance (ODA) to other countries, as our equivalent institution that handles the economic, development and humanitarian assistance to other countries in need of our support in the likes of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), United States Agency for International Development (USAID). 

Can the Philippines be included to the listing of "developed" country or "more economically developed country" in the succeeding 20 to 30 years or longer years than that e.g., another 50 years or a centennial year, if the current improvement or development in the Philippine economy will continue? 

I am encouraging my fellow FILIPINOS to collectively contribute in our goals to further improve the Philippines economy in the succeeding years to come, by maximizing the utilization of technical skills/expertise, entrepreneurial ability/business management capability, capital resources, scientific and technological facility and infrastructure to the fullest in further developing the country's economy. God is good all the time! I love the Philippines! Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! Mabuhay ang Filipino! Pilipinas Yan!

Statement of Pledge for the Philippines

"We, the citizens of the Philippines and inhabitants of this country, PLEDGE OURSELVES as one united people, regardless of language and local dialect, provincial, regional and  racial differences, political affiliation, and religion; to build a democratic, God-fearing, peace-loving, collaborative and interdependent society based on justice (we need to strengthen the justice system and implementation of laws, policies, rules and regulations, etc.), equality (let’s all work together as a team and become a team player with our individual inclination, talent, skill, expertise), good governance (transparency, accountability, performance, competence, etc.), nationalism, discipline, participation, prayer, faith and sacrifice, so we can contribute for the advancement of our country's societal challenges, needs and concerns (family, work, profession, economic, social, political and spiritual aspects, etc.) at the right time, right place and with the right purpose; and to aim to become “Champion” in the individual God-given calling that we are in, so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation." - Agrikulturang Maunlad, February 28, 2011

Monday, April 30, 2012

Pinoy Yan Sharing Time Series No. 5 and onwards

Pinoy Yan Sharing Time Series No. 5 and onwards

Pinoy Yan Sharing Time No. 6: Lets continue to work hard bearing in mind our family, our fellow Filipinos (Mga Kababayans), our God, our country and other nations of the world, so we can contribute effectively and efficiently for the advancement of local and national development in different parts of the country and in the different parts of the world in the succeeding five to twenty years. We promote and contribute for the development of new breed of Filipino workers and entrepreneurs (employers) from "Pinoy Kase!" to "PINOY YAN!" Mabuhay ka Pinoy Yan Movement! Pinoy, you are great people indeed (In commemoration of Labor Day 2012, May 1, 2012)

Pinoy Yan Sharing Time No. 5: I have a dream today that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain and the crooked places will be made straight and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together... With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. - (Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr, August 28, 1963, lifted from The March on Washington Address, from the book titled Great American Speeches, edited by Gregory R. Suriano, Random House. NY:1993). The Philippines and the Filipinos in order to achieve a higher level of socio-economic growth and development should rise as a united state of people-loving, peace-loving, purpose-loving, education and health-loving, environment-loving, competitive-loving, justice-loving, righteous-loving, and God-loving citizens to attain an improved local, regional and national economic prosperity in the next five to 20 years. Let's give our part to attain this dream and become a great brown race of Asian country because Pinoy Yan! God is good all the time! - April 14, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Inspirational Quotations from the Facebook of Socio-economist Elmer Esplana

April 1, 2012
First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality (Napoleon Hill- 1883-1970). Enthusiasm engages our commitment, and commitment create personal power. Nothing happens until you do something. Asking for help- is doing something (Robin Sieger, Natural Born Winners, 2004). The infinite God cannot be measured by finite man (ODB, RBC Ministries, 2008).

March 24, 2012
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these (George Washington Carver). The beauty of life is we will all be passing through in His stages one day at a time! Let's all make the most out of all God's life's stages, as we move on in the coming days! God is good all the time!

March 18, 2012
I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago (Psalm 77:11). Lord, You are good to all, that even your only Son-Jesus Christ- became the payment for all the sins that we have done in this life. We thank you for the miracles of life, that we can face the day and the future with enthusiasm because we know you are alive. You are faithful to all your promises and great in your mercy and grace for the Philippines and all Filipinos throughout the world.

March 16, 2012
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door (Milton Berle,a comedian). Right opportunity will always there, but we have to be ready to receive them anytime, when we want it to be included as part of our life. The decision to get the right opportunity lies in our conviction and desire to contribute in the advancement of His purpose or mission in our life. God is the giver of right opportunity and whatever opportunity He started in our lives He will accomplish his purpose in that opportunity in the right time. We just need to be sensitive in getting the right opportunity, because it will always come from Him, anyway! This is the power of His grace and mercy upon each one. Thank you Lord!

March 11, 2012
One learns people through the heart, not the eyes or the intellect (Mark Twain). People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care...about them! Love is caring-caring enough to invest your life,to give it your all, to stick it out, to do the best you possibly can (Zig Ziglar et. al, Top Performance:How to develop excellence in yourself and others).

March 4, 2012
It is motive alone that gives character to the actions of men (Bruyere). A man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder (Thomas Carlyle). For a good man/woman, the purpose of motivation is the motivation of the purpose which transform and transcend challenges into opportunities to serve other people.

March 1, 2012
How blessed is the man (woman) who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers...his delights is in the law of the Lord...He is like a tree firmly planted by the streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; And whaterver he does, he prospers (Psalms 1:1-3). God is our protector and our Saviour in this life. He is good all the time for all His people, throughout the different generations. Let us keep on doing good all the time, because He watches us always and forever.

February 18, 2012
Not everyone can be famous, but everybody can be great because greatness is determined by what you (we) do (Oprah Winfrey). In all the things that we do, what matters most is how these things contribute to the advancement of His Kingdom in our lives, family, society, people and country! God is our judge in all things! He is the main reason for our living on earth! Salamat sa kanyang katapatan!


Job vacancy for one job order (1) SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSISTANT
at the Marketing Development Division (MDD) for the PCAARRD-BAI Research-funded project for the period of May 1, 2012 to October 31, 2012. Renewable for another three to six months. 

1. Assists in the preparation of materials/resources and implementation of the project as directed by the Project Leader;
2. Assist in collecting, encoding, collation and analysis of data on the current pork industry situation in the study areas.
3. Assists in the development of research instrument and survey. 
4. Assists in the development of supply chain map for pork showing the key players and their requirements, activities, and services carried out, logistic issues, external influences and flow of product, payment and information. 
5. Assists in the validation of Supply Chain Map and field surveys 
6. Assists in the processing and analysis of data, preparation of preliminary and final submission of terminal report. 
7. Assists in the identification of areas for improvement through participatory monitoring and evaluation of the dynamics of the supply chain. 
8. Could travel and participate in the field visit and interviews of pork industry stakeholders in the study areas. 
9. Assists in the formulation of recommendations and other project-related activities

1. At least 20 years old.
2. Preferably a graduate of BS Economics, Development Communication/Research,
Agricultural/Business Economics, Agribusiness, Marketing and other Social Science degree. 
3. Preparably at least one (1) year experience in research and development (R&D)-related job.
4. Please submit resume and official Transcript of Records for the validation of your qualifications. 

For interested applicants, please contact Mr. Elmer Esplana, Project Leader, BAI-PCAARRD-Project Management Office, Marketing Development Division, Bureau of Animal Industry, Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City or at Telephone Nos. 9259229/9266866 or email: bai.sciproject@gmail.com.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

BAI Selected Job Orders and Qualifications for selected projects

Wanted: One (1) Programmer/System Analyst/Administrator at the Marketing Development Division, Bureau of Animal Industry for the period of March 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012 and renewable at the end of the project.
1. Handles & manages the IT infrastructure of 2KR Project of MDD (IT infrastructure includes hadware, software, data IT manpower & connectivity (voice & data);
2. Performs analysis, design & programming of software applications and /or system that are required to support business processes of the orgranization;
3. Documents & maintains all software applications purchased or developed by the orgranization;
4. Provides technical support to IT users in the organization;
5. Provides IT recommendation to Project Coordinator to improve IT efficiency within network and partner organization of the project;
6. Performs tasks that will bring quality, efficiency and convenience to IT users in the organization
7. Could support and travel to assist BAI-MDD Related ICT activities in the regional level and local government units
8. Performs other project related activities as required.
Qualifications of Programmer/System Analyst/Administrator
1. At least 21 years old
2. Diploma in Associate in Computer Science.
3. At least 2 years experience in IT-related job (web developer, networking
and troubleshooting both hardware and software.)
For interested applicant, please call Mr. Elmer Esplana, @KR LOM Rehabilitation and Modernization Project Coordinator at telephone no. 02-9259229 or call 0929-8502545 or you can email your resume at bai.lomproject@gmail.com.

Wanted: One (1) RESEARCH ASSISTANT at the Marketing Development Division (MDD), Bureau of Animal Industry for the period of March 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012 and renewable until the end of the project.
1. Assists in the preparation of materials/resources and implementation of the project as directed by the Project Leader and Project Coordinator;
2. Collects and encodes, collates and analyzes data on socio-economic performance of LGUs, livestock and poultry agricultural/agribusiness situation of project sites.
3. Prepares drafts of monthly and quarterly reports.
4. Support the activities of the database, web content writing and management
5. Could travel and participate in the fields work of the socio-economics research and MIS research and assessment of LGU clients.
6. Monitor, draft and facilitate the reply to email and letter communications received by the MDD-Project Management Office related to the project.
7. Performs other project related activities as required.
Qualifications of RESEARCH ASSISTANT
1. At least 20 years old.
2. Preferably a graduate of BS Economics, Development
Development Communication, Agricultural Economics,
Computer Science, Agribusiness and Marketing Mgt.
3. At least 2 years experience in either research-related or IT-related job

For interested applicant, please call Mr. Elmer Esplana, 2KR LOM Rehabilitation and Modernization Project Coordinator at telephone no. 02-9259229 or call 0929-8502545 or you can email your resume at bai.lomproject@gmail.com.

Wanted: Job Order for one (1) Development/Communication Officer
at the Office of the Director (OD), MIS-PRS, Bureau of Animal Industry for the
period March 1, 2012 - August 31, 2012, renewable at the end of the year.

Scope of Work:
1. Leads effort in identifying new communication opportunities
and developing appropriate messages.
2. Covers the events of the Office of the Director (OD) and prepare press
releases, feature articles and other publications output for printed
or online publication, particularly in BAI website.
3. Implements a comprehensive communication plan for the Office
of the Director to consistently and effectively communicate
key messages for the promotion of the Bureau of Animal Industry.
4. Directly reports to the Chairman of MIS-PRS Working Committee
on the activities which have to be prioritized in the conduct of work
in the MIS-PRS to web-based development.
5. Coordinate with trimedia orgts.for coverage the events and activities of
BAI and the different key activities in BAI's Division for their promotion.
6. Develop project proposals on development communications that
will promote the Bureau of Animal Industry and the MIS-PRS.
7. Perform other tasks as required by the Director and MIS-Team-in-Charge.
8. Could support and travel to assist Development Communications/Agricultural Journalism activities.

Qualifications of Development/Communication Officer
1. At least 21 years old
2. Bachelor degree in Development Communication, Journalism, Economics
3. At least two years experience in development communication
journalist, information management and research-related work.

For interested applicant, please call Mr. Elmer Esplana at telephone no. 02-9259229 or call 0929-8502545 or you can email your resume at baimis.prs@gmail.com.

Wanted: Job Order for one (1) DATA ENCODER/Network Administrator 
at the Office of the Director(OD), Management Information System-Public Relations Service (MIS-PRS), Bureau of Animal Industry for the period of March 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012, and renewable at the end of the year.

1. Encode data of the MIS-PRS related to the information and promotion
of BAI
2. Able to construct, analyze and troubleshoot the interconnection of LAN;
3. Assist in the recording & updating of database accountabilities of BAI employees;
4. Develop a computer network LAN based methods on MIS system of
equipments of BAI and other database system related to project;
5. Provides data processing support of various activities of BAI Integrated MIS Program;
6 .Provide support in the installation of software/harware;
7. Set-up and performs major/minor maintenance on data processing equipments;
8. Repair minor and major defects of computer hardware;
9. Assist in establishing information/database for the BAI website;
10. Perform other computer related works assigend by immediate supervisor.
11. Could support and travel to assist BAI-related activities requirement.

1. At least 20 years old.
2. Diploma in Associate in Computer Science
3. At least 2 years experience in IT-related job

For interested applicant, please call Mr. Elmer Esplana at telephone no. 02-9259229 or call 0929-8502545 or you can email your resume at baimis.prs@gmail.com.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Job Order for Programmer/System Analyst/Administrator

Supply of labor of one (1) Programmer/System Analyst/Administrator at the Marketing Development Division for the  period of March 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012.
1. Handles & manages the IT infrastructure of 2KR Project of MDD (IT infrastructure includes hadware, software, data IT manpower & connectivity (voice & data);
2. Performs analysis, design & programming of software applications and /or system that are required to support business processes of the orgranization;
3.  Documents & maintains all software applications purchased or developed by the orgranization;
4. Provides technical support to IT users in the organization;
5. Provides IT recommendation to Project Coordinator to improve IT efficiency within  network  and partner organization of the project;
6. Performs tasks that will bring quality, efficiency and convenience to IT users in the organization
7. Could support and travel to assist BAI-MDD Related ICT activities in the regional level and local government units
8. Performs other project related activities as required.
Qualifications of Programmer/System Analyst/Administrator
1. At least 21 years old
2. Diploma in Associate in Computer Science.
3. At least 2 years experience in IT-related job (web developer, networking
and troubleshooting both hardware and software.)

For interested applicant, please call Mr. Elmer Esplana, Project Coordinator at 9259229/9266866 or email your resume at bai.lomproject@gmail.com 

Wanted Research Assistant

Supply of labor and services of one (1) RESEARCH ASSISTANT at the Marketing Development Division (MDD), Bureau of Animal Industry  for the period of March 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012

1. Assists in the preparation of materials/resources and implementation of the project as directed by the Project Leader and Project Coordinator;
2. Collects and encodes, collates and analyzes data on socio-economic performance of LGUs, livestock and poultry agricultural/agribusiness situation of project sites. 
3. Prepares drafts of monthly and quarterly reports.
4. Support the activities of the database, web content writing and management 
5. Could travel and participate in the fields work of the socio-economics research and MIS research and assessment of LGU clients. 
6. Monitor, draft and facilitate the reply to email and letter communications received by the MDD-Project Management Office related to the project.
7. Performs other project related activities as required.
Qualifications of RESEARCH ASSISTANT
1. At least 20 years old.
2. Preferably a graduate of BS Economics, Development
   Development Communication, Agricultural Economics,
   Computer Science, Agribusiness and Marketing Mgt.
3. At least 2 years experience in either research-related or IT-related job

For those interested applicants, please email your resume at bai.lomproject@gmail.com or call Mr. Elmer Esplana at 9259229/9266866.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pinoy Yan Sharing Time Series, January 2012

Pinoy Yan Sharing Time Series, January 2012

Pinoy Yan Sharing Time No. 4. Our country needs righteous leaders who are willing to revolutionize the improvement of socioeconomic, governance and spiritual condition of this country, leaders who are willing to left legacy and history in local and national development, in the succeeding 10 years and for the next generation with eternal value. Yes, amid the injustices of life created by unrighteous leaders in the Philippines, here comes the provision of courage, faith and strength which will only come from the All-powerful, All-present and All-knowing God of righteous leaders. Would you like to be one of them? Pinoy Yan! - ERE, January 21, 2012

Pinoy Yan Sharing Time No. 3.  Never look at what you have lost, look at what you have left (Lifted from Robert H. Schuller, The Be-Happy Attitudes, 1st Indian Edition, 1992). Build on your strengths and do something to improve your weaknesses for the better. Continue to fight for your country’s future because you know that there will always be hope for those who trust the Lord, God Almighty, whatever happen. Remember all the good things He has done for your family, your work, and your country. Renewed your minds and hearts for a higher calling from God.  He is good all the time! ERE, January 18, 2012 

Pinoy Yan Sharing Time No. 2. It is a blessing to know that someone up there is looking for each one of us, who cares for our needs and who inspires us to make a difference in the lives of other people! We look forward for a closer journey with Him everyday! Hurrah! He is good all the time! - ERE, January 13, 2012

Pinoy Yan Sharing Time No. 1. We can teach ourselves to be happy! The future begins with whatever is in our hands today! Jesus taught us that giving was one of the ways to multiply what He has given each one so that he can fulfill His plan in our lives. May the Lord Jesus Christ inspire us to do better in 2012 and onwards for our individual family, for all Filipinos, for the Phiilippines and for the glory of His name. God is good all the time! - ERE, January 7, 2012

Blessed be the New Year 2012 for each one. May this serve as a new beginning of more intense journey of all Filipinos for making the Philippines, a great country again. We move forward so that "Pinoy kase" becomes "Pinoy Yan" in the next 10 years. Hurrah! God is good all the time! Purihin sya lagi! - December 30, 2011

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pinoy Yan Movement: An Open Invitation to Regain the Greatness of the Brown Race in the succeeding 10 Years and Onwards

Pinoy Yan Movement: An Open Invitation to Regain the Greatness of the Brown Race - Filipino people - in ten years and onwards 

To all Filipino who believes that we can be a better country again;

During the end of the year, part of the activities I have done is to look at how we can be of better use as an individual Filipino citizen in our generation and to make an impact for the next generation to come. In my personal devotional time,  I got the impression that the key to making this country a great nation again in the coming days. From what we have done during the 60's as some other countries have admired the Philippines for being a model, as described by Aseanfocus.com, stated as "By the 60's the Philippines was the most successful manufacturing country in Southeast Asia and appeared to be the most prosperous."-  lifted from "A Short History of Southeast Asia: Philippines"

We were no. 2 then,  second only to Japan based on most of the observers in Asia. But now we are  no. two to the lowest or one of the countries with the lowest level of socio-economic development in Asia. We are left behind by South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, to name some.  

As a people, we need to organized a unified effort to make our "bad image" with the name "Pinoy Kase," which connotes a negative image for us Filipinos or "Pinoy," as it relates to the bad "crab mentality"  attitude. 

An example of this bad image include doing illegal things abroad, doing short cuts in  doing business to attain success, and the "crab mentality" attitude, I have earlier mentioned.  

Crab mentality describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase...."if i can't have it, neither can you."  It is a metaphor referring to a pot of crabs in which one of them tries to escape and instead is pulled down by the rest of them (http://wiki.answers.com). 

Sabi ng Answers.com ang "crab mentality" ay nagsimula ayon sa kasaysayan  noong panahon pa ng Kastila.  Isa itong kaugalian namana pa ng mga Filipino sa Kastila. Ito ay isang kaugalian na hindi kaaya-aya dahil isa itong pangit na kaugalian ng ilang mga Filipino. Kabilang sa nakalakip na masamang paguugali sa "crab mentality" or "utak alimangu"  ay ang  paninirang puri, pag-gawa ng kwento sa kapwa, at inggit sa mga  nakakaangat na kababayan.

The Answers.com gave this example: 

"Ang crab o alimangu pag nilangay mo sa timba ay nag uunahan makapunta sa bunganga ng timba, ngunit sa pag punta nga ilan sa malapit na sa bunganga nito ay hinahatak naman ng ibang alimangu ang ilan para hindi makalabas sa timba. Maihalintulad nito ang tao, pag may nakakaangat na sa buhay, ang ilan ay panag-iisipan ng masama."

We need to remove this bad attitude and start replacing it with a good attitude which basically will support  our country to become a great country again in this time of the 21st century,  not only for this generation, but for the succeeding generation of the Brown Race.
As I have put it during my year-end contemplation with this prayer and wishes for each one for  2012:    

"Blessed be the New Year 2012 for each one.  May this serve as a new beginning of more intense journey of all Filipinos for making the Philippines, a great country again.  We move forward so that "Pinoy Kase" becomes "Pinoy Yan" in the next 10 years.  Hurrah! God is good all the time! Purihin sya lagi!" - December 30, 2011

The "Pinoy Kase!" bad image includes the "crab mentality" as something part of the culture which we need to transform into a positive one.  We can transform this crab mentality attitude  into a positive attitude by believing that as Filipino we can unitedly contribute positively in the national and local development of the Philippines. This could start from performing our duties and responsibilities in our individual family, to the performance of our individual duties and responsibilities in our work and vocation in life.  This could serve as our individual reason  and motivation to become a better person God wants us to be, for ourselves, for our  family, for our people and for our country, in the process. 

Furthermore, I am sharing with you this important open invitation, as a demonstration of promoting Pinoy Yan Movement.  It is a movement and a challenge to all Filipinos to collectively contribute in developing a new good image of Filipinos, the Pinoy Yan attitude here in the Philippines and abroad. In my initial promotional sharing time message, I stated that,   

"We can teach ourselves to be happy!  The future begins with whatever is in our hands today! Jesus taught us that giving was one of the ways to multiply what He has given each one, so that he can fulfill His plan in our lives. May the Lord Jesus Christ inspire us to do better in 2012 and onwards for our individual family, for all Filipinos, for the Phiilippines and for the glory of His name. God is good all the time!" -  Pinoy Yan Sharing Time No. 1, January 7, 2012

My advocacy for every Filipino, rich or poor, young or old, male or female, student, professional, housewife or farmer or whatever vocation you are in or you have inclination is to do our own  individual business by giving our best contribution based on the talents, skills, and gifts which was given to us by God,  to demonstrate excellence and to promote best practices in whatever areas of influence we are in as Filipinos. 

Sabi nga, "Trabaho lang  walang personalan" should be our motto, a demonstration that we are doing our own business well as a renewed Filipino citizen during this time and for our country's future in the succeeding generation.     

We say, "let live and let others live as human beings created by God."   If we have done this individually, the blessing of our Great King and Creator will be poured out from heaven, because we have demonstrated the giving of ourselves for others to live - our fellow Filipinos. You will be blessed, I will be blessed, all Filipinos will be blessed because the curse which I call and we all call as the "crab mentality" among us have been removed as part of our culture.    

If we will not eliminate the culture of "crab mentality" among ourselves and among our people, it will be a forever curse, and part of our cultural liabilities, as Filipinos or as a people.  

I personally aim to organize a campaign that "crab mentality" be removed as one of the bad attitudes that hampered us to attain a higher level of  socio-economic growth and development, as a country. 

Yes, we can rise again as a great people and great country in Asia!  We can rise again with a renewed strength, new hope, new commitment and new life changed by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, for the whole world,  for the national economy, for the socio-economic development, for each one my brothers and sisters, for the better life ahead in the next 10 years and onwards. Yes, we can say eye-to-eye to each one, and to our Great Creator, that we have done our part and the best that we can, in our time!  

May the Lord Jesus Christ be our guide along the way in promoting the Pinoy Yan attitude, a positive attitude of developing a God-given confidence that He has provided us as a gift, a blessing and part of His grace and mercy in the Brown Race.  

Yes, we can do better and we can be a great people,  a great country, capable of competing in any areas of expertise, with the rest of the world's different nationalities. These include further improving a sustained socio-economic growth and development in the Philippines in 2012 and in the coming years. 

Your individual contribution will matter a lot, I believed, brothers and sisters, mga Kapuso, mga Kapamilya! 

Salamat so inyong lahat, mga kapwa ko Filipino! "Kapwa ko, Mahal ko" as one TV program says.

Finally, I will leave this new dream which I have conceptualized when I visited Singapore in February of 2011 and will give you statement of pledge for the Philippines for the Pinoy Yan Movement which says: Statement of Pledge for the Philippines of "Pinoy Yan Movement" 

"We, the citizens of the Philippines and inhabitants of this country, pledge ourselves as one united people, regardless of language and local dialect, provincial, regional and racial differences, political affiliation, and religion; to build a democratic, God-fearing, peace-loving, collaborative and interdependent society based on justice, equality, good governance, nationalism, discipline, participation, prayer, faith and sacrifice, so we can contribute for the advancement of our country's societal challenges, needs and concerns at the right time, right place and with the right purpose; and to aim to become “Champion” in the individual God-given calling that we are in, so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation." February 2011 - 

I strongly believe that we can all contribute in this Statement of Pledge if we will only make it a commitment among ourselves for the Brown Race - Filipino people - in the next 10 years and onwards. 

For your comments, please email me at digitalpinoy2038@gmail.com. God is good all the time!


Elmer R. Esplana 
Convenor, Pinoy Yan Movement